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Custom components

The date picker lets users select a date from a menu.

Overriding components

You can override the internal elements of the component (known as "slots") using the components prop.

Use the componentsProps prop if you need to pass additional props to a component slot.

As an example, you could override the ActionBar and pass additional props to the custom component as shown below:

    // Override default <ActionBar /> with a custom one
    ActionBar: CustomActionBar,
    // pass props `actions={['clear']}` to the actionBar slot
    actionBar: { actions: ['clear'] },

Action bar

Component props

The action bar is available on all picker components. It is located at the bottom of the picker's views. By default, it contains no action on desktop, and the actions Cancel and Accept on mobile.

You can override the action displayed by passing the actions prop to the actionBar within componentsProps, as shown here:

    actionBar: {
      // The actions will be the same between desktop and mobile
      actions: ['clear'],

      // The actions will be different between desktop and mobile
      actions: (variant) => (variant === 'desktop' ? [] : ['clear']),

In the example below, the action bar contains only one button, which resets the selection to today's date:

Select date

Tue, Feb 1

<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDateFns}>
    onChange={(newValue) => setValue(newValue)}
    renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} />}
      actionBar: {
        actions: ['today'],

Available actions

The built-in ActionBar component supports four different actions:

Action Behavior
accept Accept the current value and close the picker view
cancel Reset to the last accepted date and close the picker view
clear Reset to the empty value and close the picker view
today Reset to today's date (and time if relevant) and close the picker view


If you need to customize the date picker beyond the options described above, you can provide a custom component. This can be used in combination with componentsProps.

In the example below, the actions are the same as in the section above, but they are rendered inside a menu:

Select date

Tue, Feb 1

<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDateFns}>
    onChange={(newValue) => setValue(newValue)}
    renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} />}
      ActionBar: CustomActionBar,
      actionBar: {
        actions: ['today'],